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Building and Test

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Use docker image

We provide a docker image for building and testing bpftime.

# run the container
docker run -it --rm --name test_bpftime -v "$(pwd)":/workdir -w /workdir /bin/bash
# start another shell in the container (If needed)
docker exec -it test_bpftime /bin/bash

Or build the docker from dockerfile:

git submodule update --init --recursive
docker build .

Install Dependencies

Install the required packages:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install \
        libelf1 libelf-dev zlib1g-dev make cmake git libboost-all-dev \
        binutils-dev libyaml-cpp-dev ca-certificates clang llvm pkg-config llvm-dev
git submodule update --init --recursive

We've tested on Ubuntu 23.04. The recommended gcc >= 12.0.0 clang >= 16.0.0. It's recommanded to use libboost1.74-all-dev.

On Ubuntu 20.04, you may need to manually switch to gcc-12.

Build and install all things

Install all things that could be installed to ~/.bpftime, includes:

  • bpftime: A cli tool used for injecting agent & server to userspace programs
  • bpftime-vm: A cli tool used for compiling eBPF programs into native programs, or run the compiled program
  • bpftimetool: A cli tool used to manage things stored in shared memory, such as the data of maps or programs
  • bpftime_daemon: An executable used for implementing the similar thing like syscall server, but don't need to be injected to the userspace program
  •, Libraries needed by bpftime agent
  • Library needed by bpftime syscall server

Build with makefile:

make release JOBS=$(nproc) # Build and install the runtime
export PATH=$PATH:~/.bpftime

Or you can also build with cmake(The Makefile is a wrapper of cmake commands):

cmake -Bbuild  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release \
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
export PATH=$PATH:~/.bpftime

Then you can run cli:

$ bpftime
Usage: bpftime [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

See the Makefile for some common commands.

Detailed things about building

We use cmake as build system.

build options

You may be interested in the following cmake options:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Specify the build type. It could be Debug, Release, MinSizeRel or RelWithDebInfo. If you are not going to debug bpftime, you just need to set it to Release. Default to Debug.
  • BPFTIME_ENABLE_UNIT_TESTING: Whether to build unit test targets. See Testing targets for details. Default to NO.
  • BPFTIME_ENABLE_LTO: Whether to enable Link Time Optimization. Enabling this may increase the compile time, but it may lead to a better performance. Default to No.
  • ENABLE_EBPF_VERIFIER: Whether to enable userspace eBPF verifier
  • BPFTIME_LLVM_JIT: Whether to use LLVM JIT as the ebpf runtime. Requires LLVM >= 15. It's recommended to enable this, since the ubpf intepreter is no longer maintained. Default to NO.
  • LLVM_DIR: Specify the installing directory of LLVM. CMake may not discover the LLVM installation by default. Set this option to the directory that contains LLVMConfig.cmake, such as /usr/lib/llvm-15/cmake on Ubuntu
  • BUILD_BPFTIME_DAEMON: Build with the daemon for load the eBPF program into hkernel and se kernel verifier.
  • BPFTIME_BUILD_WITH_LIBBPF :Build bpftime without libbpf. It can only be run in userspace with this enabled, but it can be easily port into other platform, e.g. macOS.
  • BPFTIME_BUILD_STATIC_LIB: Build bpftime runtime into a whole static libraries. It can be easily linked into other programs.

Please see forall the build options.

Build and install the complete runtime in release mode(With ubpf jit)

cmake --build build --config Release --target install

Build and install the complete runtime in debug mode(With ubpf jit)

cmake --build build --config Debug --target install

Build and install the complete runtime in release mode(With llvm jit)

cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo --target install

Compile with LTO enabled


For example, build the package, with llvm-jit and LTO enabled:

cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo --target install

Compile with userspace verifier

Note that we are using as userspace verifier. It's not perfect, and may not support some features (such as ringbuf)

cmake --build build --config Release --target install

Compile with libbpf disabled

This flag can be used to compile bpftime on macOS. It will disable all the libbpf related libraries and features that are used in bpftime.

cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo  --target install -j$(JOBS)

Testing targets

We have some targets for unit testing, they are:

  • bpftime_daemon_tests
  • bpftime_runtime_tests
  • llvm_jit_tests

These targets will only be enabled when BPFTIME_ENABLE_UNIT_TESTING was set to YES.

Build and run them to test, for example:

cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo --target bpftime_runtime_tests
sudo ./build/runtime/unit-test/bpftime_runtime_tests

Compile only the vm (No runtime, No uprobe)

For a lightweight build without the runtime (only vm library and LLVM JIT):

make build-vm # build the simple vm with a simple jit
make build-llvm # build the vm with llvm jit

More compile options

See for all cmake build options.