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eunomia-bpf is a dynamic loading library/runtime and a compile toolchain framework, aim at helping you build and distribute eBPF programs easier.

Simplify building CO-RE libbpf eBPF applications

Just Write libbpf eBPF kernel code only, auto config the userspace part!

Automatically exposing your data from kernel

  • Get data automatically from perf event or ring buffer to userspace:

    struct {
      __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF);
      __uint(max_entries, 256 * 1024);
    } rb SEC(".maps");
    int handle_exec(struct trace_event_raw_sched_process_exec *ctx)
      e = bpf_ringbuf_reserve(&rb, sizeof(*e), 0);
      bpf_ringbuf_submit(e, 0);
      return 0;

    Compile and Run the program:

    $ ecc bootstrap.bpf.c bootstrap.h
    Compiling bpf object...
    Generating export types...
    Packing ebpf object and config into package.json...
    $ sudo ./ecli examples/bpftools/bootstrap/package.json
    22:01:04  46310  2915    0          0            sh      /bin/sh   0
    22:01:04  46311  46310   0          0            which   /usr/bin/which 0
    22:01:04  46311  46310   0          2823776      which             1
    22:01:04  46310  2915    0          6288891      sh                1
    22:01:04  46312  2915    0          0            sh      /bin/sh   0
    22:01:04  46313  46312   0          0            ps      /usr/bin/ps 0

    see bootstrap for example. This is exactly the same as bootstrap.bpf.c in libbpf-bootstrap project, but only kernel code is needed.

Automatically sample the data and print hists in userspace

  • Sample the data from hash maps and print them in human readable format with comments:

    /// @sample {"interval": 1000, "type" : "log2_hist"}
    struct {
        __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
        __uint(max_entries, MAX_ENTRIES);
        __type(key, u32);
        __type(value, struct hist);
    } hists SEC(".maps");

    and Get hist data from hists map and print them in human readable format:

    $ sudo ecli  examples/bpftools/runqlat/package.json --targ_per_process
    key = 8326
    comm = containerd
          usec              : count    distribution
            0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
            2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
            4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
            8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
           16 -> 31         : 2        |*************                           |
           32 -> 63         : 2        |*************                           |
           64 -> 127        : 6        |****************************************|
          128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
          256 -> 511        : 2        |*************                           |

    see examples/bpftools/mdflush.bpf.c for example.

Automatically generate and config command line arguments

  • Automatically generate and config command line arguments for your eBPF program from the comments in your kernel code:

    /// Process ID to trace
    const volatile pid_t pid_target = 0;
    /// Thread ID to trace
    const volatile pid_t tgid_target = 0;
    /// @description User ID to trace
    const volatile uid_t uid_target = 0;
    /// @cmdarg {"default": false, "short": "f", "long": "failed"}
    /// @description target pid to trace
    const volatile bool targ_failed = false;

    and Get:

    $ sudo ecli  examples/bpftools/opensnoop/package.json -h
    Usage: opensnoop_bpf [--help] [--version] [--verbose] [--pid_target VAR] [--tgid_target VAR] [--uid_target VAR] [--failed]
    Trace open family syscalls.
    Optional arguments:
      -h, --help    shows help message and exits
      -v, --version prints version information and exits
      --verbose     prints libbpf debug information
      --pid_target  Process ID to trace
      --tgid_target Thread ID to trace

    see examples/bpftools/opensnoop/opensnoop.bpf.c for example.

  • 100% compatible with libbpf, libbpf-bootstrap and libbpf-rs, etc: you can compile libbpf-tools kernel code with eunomia-bpf and run them without many modification!

  • Not limited to tracing: support tracepoints, kprobe, uprobe, lsm, xdp, tc etc...

Compile and pack CO-RE eBPF kernel code to a config file

  • Compile and pack CO-RE eBPF kernel code to a JSON or YAML config file:

    $ ecc cmd/test/opensnoop.bpf.c opensnoop.h
    Compiling bpf object...
    Generating export types...
    Packing ebpf object and config into package.json...
    $ docker run -it -v `pwd`/:/src/`uname -m`:latest # build with docker for x86_64 and aarch64
    Packing ebpf object and config into package.json...

    You can modify the config file and config the eBPF program behavior to your need.

Dynamic load and run CO-RE eBPF kernel code from the cloud with URL or OCI image

  • you can dynamically load it on different kernel version without recompile, and without clang/llvm dependency:

    $ sudo ecli opensnoop.json
    TIME     PID     TPID    SIG     RET     COMM
    22:58:28  77121  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
    22:58:29  69044  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
    22:58:29  3014   2906    0       0       code
    22:58:29  6952   4061    0       0       node
    22:58:29  4061   3937    0       0       node
    22:58:29  75263  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
    22:58:29  2906   2488    0       0       code
    22:58:29  69149  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
    22:58:29  73541  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
    22:58:29  73468  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
    22:58:29  2906   2488    0       0       code
    22:58:29  69094  3168    0       0       cpptools-srv
  • Get pre-compiled eBPF programs running from the cloud to the kernel in 1 line of bash, kernel version and architecture independent:

    # download the release from
    $ wget -O ecli && chmod +x ./ecli
    $ sudo ./ecli # simply run a pre-compiled ebpf code from a url
    $ sudo ./ecli sigsnoop:latest # run with a name and download the latest version bpf tool from our repo
  • very small and simple! The library itself <1MB and no LLVM/Clang dependence, can be embedded easily in you project

  • as fast as <100ms and little resource need to dynamically load and run eBPF program

Base on eunomia-bpf, we have an eBPF pacakge manager in LMP project, with OCI images and ORAS for distribution.

wasm-bpf: Write user space code for your eBPF program in WebAssembly

see wasm-bpf project:

A WebAssembly eBPF library, toolchain and runtime powered by CO-RE(Compile Once – Run Everywhere) libbpf and WAMR.

  • General purpose: provide most abilities from eBPF to Wasm, polling from the ring buffer or perf buffer, bidirectional communications between kernel eBPF and userspace Wasm using maps, dynamically loading, attaching or detaching, etc. Supports a large number of eBPF program types and map types, covering the use cases from tracing, networking, security.
  • High performance: No serialization overhead for complex data types, using shared memory to avoid copy overhead between host and Wasm.
  • Easy to use: provide a similar developing experience as the libbpf-bootstrap, auto generate the Wasm-eBPF skeleton headers and type definitions for bindings.
  • Ultralightweight: the sample runtime has only 300+ lines of code, binary only 1.5 MB in size. Compiled Wasm module would be only ~90K. With the same toolchain, you can easily build your own Wasm-eBPF runtime in any languages and platforms!

Project Architecture

we have a loader library, a compile toolchain, and some additional tools like cli and a custom metrics exporter.


An bpf-loader-rs library

A wrapper of main functions of libbpf-rs, provide the ability to dynamically load eBPF code to the kernel and run it with a simple JSON and a few API.

A simple cli interface is provided for bpf-loader library, which you can use it to start any eBPF program from a url in a command. You can download it from release.

see examples for more examples.

A library to load and operate eBPF program from a WASM module

Use the eunomia-bpf library to load eBPF program from a WASM module, you can write a WASM module to operate the eBPF program or process the data in user space WASM runtime. The idea is simple:

  1. compile the kernel eBPF code skeleton to the JSON format with eunomia-cc toolchain
  2. embed the JSON data in the WASM module, and provide some API for operating the eBPF program skeleton
  3. load the JSON data from the WASM module and run the eBPF program skeleton with eunomia-bpf library

You can have multiple eBPF program in a single WASM module.

See wasm-runtime for details. In fact, ewasm library only exports a few functions from bpf-loader library to the VM, so you can replace the WASM runtime with your own easily.

For example, you can run an eBPF program with a WASM module for an URL:

sudo ./ecli run

You can also generate a WASM program template for eBPF or build WASM module with compiler container:

# for x86_64 and aarch64
docker run -it -v `pwd`/:/src/`uname -m`:latest gen-wasm-skel # generate WASM app template for eBPF
docker run -it -v `pwd`/:/src/`uname -m`:latest build-wasm    # Build WASM module

see sigsnoop example for more detail.

A compile toolchain to help you generate pre compiled eBPF data

The toolchain can be used as a docker to generate pre-compiled eBPF data in one command:

see the compile toolchains compiler for details.

you can also simply use the ebpm-template repo as a template in github, just push to it and github action can help you compile CO-RE ebpf code!

build the project

see build for details.